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Our HustleFit Bootcamp class is the ultimate group workout. Each workout session or exercise works to engage a specific group of muscles. Whether your objective is to strengthen, stay mobile, lose weight, or encourage flexibility – Fit2Last Fitness can help you. Our mission is to guide and support you to meet your goals. With Bootcamp classes, the emphasis is on high-intensity training. We achieve this with well-known exercises, strength training, and circuit-inspired workouts. If you're looking for an innovative way to make health and wellness part of your routine, our HustleFit Bootcamp class is for you. It is an unbeatable way to get out of your head and into your body!


The Basics of Bootcamp

Bootcamp training effectively combines strength and cardiovascular workouts: it shares similarities with circuit training and uses popular exercises like push-ups, burpees, and crunches. We take you through the basics here:

  • With this high-intensity training, you can fast-track your fitness goals. We aim to exercise the heart, lungs, and every major muscle in the body. The sessions consist of a warm-up, bodyweight exercises, running, stretching, boxing, and a cool-down at the end.


  • It's more affordable than a personal trainer and provides a place to connect with like-minded individuals. Having support during your journey makes the road easier.


  • Bootcamp provides an excellent opportunity to breathe life into your workout, get out of a rut and experience something new. Having others in the class helps you create a sense of accountability for your fitness goals.

Key Questions to Ask About a Group Boxing Class

Boxing is one of the oldest combat sports globally, and it is a total-body commitment with a focus on the core, legs, shoulders and arms. A group boxing class will build body strength and provide a space to increase your concentration and endurance.

  • What time does the class start? Try to arrive 15 minutes before the session begins to take care of paperwork and admin. A short walk around will also help you familiarise yourself with the environment.


  • How long is the class? A typical group boxing class lasts 60 minutes. We understand the demands of modern life: we do strict timekeeping, so you don't run late for your next appointment.


  • What do you wear? Your outfit is vital; boxing is intensive, and you want to be comfortable from head to toe. Bringing a refillable water bottle will help you stay hydrated throughout. Having a snack and towel in your bag is a great plan.



For the last ten years, we've put our hearts and effort into helping people reach their fitness goals. Sharing your mission with Fit2Last Fitness means we can back you with twenty years of experience, training, coaching, and group fitness classes. As we are International Master Trainers, we are well-equipped to undertake this journey with you. We offer a variety of virtual and in-person courses and training opportunities. We serve the Brisbane community. Contact us now; we're the ones to have in your corner when it comes to fitness.

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